Technical Codes; An effective shot during the piece was the close ups of him looking into the camera. This gives the shot the effect that Eminem himself reaching out and relating himself to the audience. This could have been done to make the audience feel closer to him and want to aspire to become Eminem. Another camera shot which was effective was the mid shot of him standing over the city. This is an effective shot as it has connotations of him taking over the city and being in control. It could also connote that he is a more dominant figure and that people look up to him. The tracking of the camera during the music video helps tell the story of the song. The camera tracks him walking through certain periods of his life from where he started to where he is now . Slow paced editing has been used it enable the audience to really take into account the progress of his life. Also Fast paced editing is then used when flying through the city to make him seem to have superhero like powers. This may imply that what he has achieved to come out of the dark place that he was previously in required hard work which has been represented by the use of his ‘superpowers’.
The story line of the video is showing the progress of his life. He is showing how he was in a bad place but has now overcome this and has come out as a better and also stronger person. The lyrics reflect the video as they are performed by the artist. For example, near the beginning of the video he says. "You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'em". During the period of him saying this, we see Eminem screwing up the paper and throwing them at the Camera.
Audience; The audience for this music video would be teenagers. This is because he was a young boy when he was in that bad place and is showing the target audience how to come out of it. The demographic status for this video would be a E, due to the fact young teenagers are known to be students and they are categorised as an E. The video targets the audience through the lyrics rather than the video. It is easier to understand what message he is putting across through the lyrics rather than the video. The audience will most likely access this video trough YouTube and social media. YouTube will be the best way to access this film as it's free and easily accessible. All target audience have technology such as computers and smart phones which are able to access YouTube very quickly whether it be at home or out in a completely different location. To make more people watch the video, the audience are able to post the video on social media accounts such as Facebook and Twitter. If their friends are interested in the video, they can like, share or re tweet it causing more people to interact and watch the video. This makes the overall video more viral and popular and also helps to promote the song, which at the same to makes the song more popular..
Representation; Representation of a younger audience is shown as he is a young male artist reaching out and trying to teach people a lesson. The bad place he was in would be seen to be a big event in his life and he wants to be able to share his previous experience with his fans and audience. It stated issues that occurred to him which his audience members will be able to relate to and is located in a major city where he grew up and also included the use of drugs which were easier accessible. The stereotype shown is a young male boy, also seen to be part of a gang, doing drugs from a young age. During the video we see him mature as an artist and come out a better man and also as a role model. Eminem is seen to be a celebrity and his fans and audience should follow in the footsteps of him. Organisations; The record company has a role of making the video unique and relate able to the song produced. As they song is about how Eminem coming out of a bad place, they what to be able to show the audience what he achieved through the video. If Eminem was able to achieve it, it means that other people can. The star is promoted through radio and video but is marketed on social media and posters. Eminem's music is distributed over a variety of media products. For example, CD's, Videos and chat shows. This opens the opportunity of many of his target audience to access and listen to his music causing his fan base to grow and become and bigger artist. How will this help me when making my own music video? After analysing this music video, this has helped me visualise what a professional music video should look like and also what elements need to be included with one to make it look effective. This has also helped me with a coming up with a few ideas that could be incorporated into my own music video to make it look effective.
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